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Monday, June 14, 2010

Alabama Summer

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Phoebe is on the move

Finally Pheebs is beginning to move around. She started comando crawling the day after school was out...Ansley and Zane better look out...she is hot on their heels.
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End of the 5th Grade Fun!

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Look out BMS! Our kids are on their way. As an end of the Elementary Celebration, we met at Suwannee Park and played in the water. Everyone had a blast...including the younger siblings. It was a great way to end the school year!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Alabama Fun

Such the farmer...this is what he dreams about. While my thoughts of fun usually end up somewhere near the mall...or at best in my fav chair surfing. I love it that he loves this piece of property. Who would have thought that 30 acres of beautiful, peaceful land could bring one man such joy, and work.

Wah wah wah...Poor me

As I sit here alone with my computer on a Friday night, I thought I would update a severely neglected blog. Why not...Gerry is in Alabama mowing the fields and fields and acres of hip high grass...what else is there to do? Phoebe is sleeping and Ansley and Zane are in the up up with a sleep over friend.

Does anyone ever read blogs of other moms and begin to question themselves? I am often in awe of these moms that are able to post constantly with fabulous pictures and riveting updates. Where do they find the time? Who does their dishes...laundry...I struggle to post biannually. How can there be 24 hours in a day, I seem to run out before I'm done.
8 hours teaching
1 hour travel time to and from
1 and a half to get dressed and ready
2 hours of after school run around stuff
1 hour nursing (2 half hours)
1 hour cooking dinner and cleaning dishes
1 hour of homework
half hour to pack for the next day

Try to sleep...Phoebe doesn't always allow that. Get up and do it all again. I'm tired just looking at wonder I never update this blog!

I don't have time to breathe.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Christmas '09

Santa came early when he brought sweet Phoebe...she is really a gift.